You can use receivedNotification and openedNotification callback blocks to handle incoming notifications in iOS:


 [Pushbots initWithAppId:@"APP_ID" withLaunchOptions:launchOptions prompt:true receivedNotification:^(NSDictionary *result) {
 NSLog(@"receivedNotification: %@", result);
} openedNotification:^(NSDictionary *result) {
  NSLog(@"openedNotification: %@", result);


Pushbots.initWithAppId("PUSHBOTS_APPID", withLaunchOptions: launchOptions, prompt: true, receivedNotification:{(result) in
}, openedNotification:{(result) in

receivedNotification callback will be executed when the user receives a notification while the application is open/in foreground.

openedNotification callback will be executed when the user receives a notification while the application is open/in foreground and after clicking on a notification while app in background or killed.

To hide plugin prompt completely, you can use this code:

Pushbots.initWithAppId(pushBotsId, withLaunchOptions: launchOptions, prompt: false, receivedNotification: { dictionary in
self.handleReceivedPush(dictionary, state: UIApplication.shared.applicationState)
}, openedNotification: { dictionary in
self.handleOpenedPush(dictionary, state: UIApplication.shared.applicationState)

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